Credit Card Processing Merchant Account New Orleans

I Can Help With A Credit Card Processing Merchant Account in New Orleans

Selling in New Orleans, LA? Wonderful. Since 2001, I’ve been helping business owners across the entire United States get set up with either a credit card machine and a merchant account or accepting credit cards online.

No matter what you’re situation is, I’ve been there and helped plenty. Now, please, if possible, give me a phone call and tell me about your selling situation and then I’ll recommend a solution. My number is 956-513-7711

We Will First Talk About: How Do You Normally Meet Your Client?
If you primarily have a face-to-face conversation with clients, then I would recommend any of our Payanywhere / Paymentshub POS programmed devices, which include an internal printer and can accept any card that can be swiped, tapped and or has a computer chip.

However, the more important question we will need you to answer is, which type of credit card machine will help you make it convenient and safe for both you and your client?

a77 miniWe have an eMini Smart device that is about the size of a cellphone, which is good for a mobile business or when you need a wireless device. However, it does not have a printer. Instead, it has a touchscreen which lets customers sign directly on the screen and then it can email a copy of the receipt. This device is good for a mobile business or where there is no traditional sales counter. It can connect by either a Wi-Fi connection or with 4G wireless.  

For the next options I recommend, we have slightly larger sized equipment which are normally placed on a sales countertop. These include…

a80 smartkey padThe a80 Smart Keypad. This credit card machine is usually placed on a sales countertop and it can accept both credit and debit cards. Debit card pin numbers can be entered on the keypad. It also includes a fast thermal printer. Click on the equipment name to see the full details about this device. The next terminal on the list is…


pax pinpad pro comboThe Smart Pinpad Pro – Which comes with a second device, which can be used for debit pin sales and as well as completing credit card transactions. The second device is meant for situations where your store has a large countertop separating the client from the clerk. The primary device stays positioned by the cash register and the second device is placed near to where a customer will stand. This makes entering a pin number or confirming a credit card sale much easier. Next, there is …

e920 smart terminalThe a920 Smart Terminal. This device can work wirelessly by the way with Wi-Fi. But it is not a mobile device. Click on the equipment name at anytime to get the full details about this device.

Each of these credit card swipe devices can accept any type of card technology. It also includes a fast internal thermal printer with paper. Plus, all of these credit card machines includes the Payanywhere / Paymentshub POS software system to help make running your business more efficient.

To learn more about all of the POS features and tools it provides, click here for the details. It’s powerful.

Next, we have the larger credit card terminals which are ideal for selling to selective clients. These devices allow customers to view what is being rung up into the sales transaction. These credit machines include…

e600 smart flex

e600 smartflexThe e600 Smart Flex. It can work anywhere within your store with a Wi-Fi connection. However, it is truly designed to work while connected. Click on the equipment name at anytime to get the full details about this device. And finally we have…


e700 informationThe larger e700 Smart POS. This is the largest display screen terminal and designed to help sales clerks see each item being sold. Click on the equipment name at anytime to get the full details about this device.

These sales devices provide the client with a display screen they can view, which is similar to what you may find in a high end boutique, a department store, convenience, lumber or grocery store. Each item entered and part of the transaction can be seen by the client while it’s entered.

Now, on the sales clerk’s side of the device is an even better and detailed point of sale display. Here, the sales clerk has the ability to use the POS software system to view a text description of the items and or screenshots of the products.

Yes! Pictures of the items being sold. This is great for restaurants and we can upload your entire menu or inventory for you too!

It’s a POS Point Of Sale System In A Credit Card Machine

This clerk facing display feature is ideal for your business if you prefer for clerks to see a photo of the item. By the way, this also reduces the chance of employees making mistakes and mistakes cost you money. It’s time wasted. For restaurants and retail stores, it’s especially valuable. Because, products are easier and faster to identify, which makes selling simple, quicker and even motivating. Saving time translates into making more profit.

Consider this scenario too. Imagine a customer at the counter who asks if the item being rung up is the same item they have seen back on a far and away store shelf.

What do you do? Instead of having to step away and walk to the item location, simply rotate the device or ask the customer to view the screen and confirm it’s the same item. Boom! You just saved time.

Now, again, all of these devices are programmed with the Payanywhere / Paymentshub POS software. The details are on a separate page. However, this POS system is available to you, both through the equipment and also on the internet by logging in. This means you can manage your business virtually anywhere.

Real quickly, I will mention that it has features like inventory billing, inventory control, employee scheduling, reputation management and more.
Ok, so do I know my stuff? I hope so. I really enjoy helping you, the business owner make more sales and make running your business easier.

Lastly, Do You Plan To Sell 100% Online Or Accept Credit Card Payments Mostly By Phone?

Either selling scenario will require you to either establish a strictly internet merchant account or a what we call a keyed in merchant account. The difference between these two types of non face-to-face sales situations is the credit card processing fees.

Called in and keyed credit card sales will cost you more than if the card was physically swiped through a credit card machine. The internet merchant account, otherwise referred to as an ecommerce merchant account, will usually cost a little less than a keyed in transaction. And I must say usually. Because, no one knows what type of credit card the customer is going to present for payment.

Every card essentially has backend fees which are different from the next credit card So, the bottom line is, in order to save on processing fees, to set up a merchant account specifically for the type of sales that will be conducted.

Alright, well, I am looking forward to speaking from you. Feel free to give me a call. I do answer phone calls on the weekends and even after normal working hours. My number again is 956-513-7711

Let’s get your credit card processing and merchant account service up and running so you can make sales in New Orleans asap.